Welcome to
our event

The first Regatta was held in 1851 the 14th year of Queen Victoria’s 63 year reign. It was also the year in which gold was discovered in Australia and the first telegraph cable was laid across the English Channel between Dover and Calais. In the next decade Britain and France declared war against Russia beginning the Crimea War and Dr. Livingstone completed his journey across Africa. In short it was a very long time ago
Shanklin Regatta has survived this and a further 171 years including two World Wars. This record is even more remarkable when you consider that all the Regattas have been organised by a committee of local volunteers and funded by the sale of advertising, programmes, donations and adverts from hotels and local business people and more importantly donations into our collecting tins from the public. Without these important donations from and previous generations the Regatta would be a thing of the past – please keep them coming.