APPLICATIONS open 17th FEB 2024
Notice to traders:
Proof of at least £10m public liability insurance will be required for all stallholders (this is set by the Isle of Wight Council and is out of our control)
Application cut off date is FRIDAY 5th JULY
This year we have totally redesigned Shanklin Regatta to offer a more enjoyable and safer free to attend a family event. As part of this we have introduced the following new areas.
Market Street:
This is a street style trading area lined with stalls both sides. This area will be a non food trading area. (Food traders please below)
Food & Drink Village:
Our food and drink village is to be placed with views over looking Sandown & Shanklin bay. Traders of all styles of food and drink to include BBQ, Fish & Chips, Pizzas, and bar area, this will overlook the area below….
Entertainment Area :
This is situated in the food & drink area, where are event host will be, the stage area with a number of acts during the day and into the evening. We will also have side stalls trading in this area.
Applications Process:
Please use the application that best fits your business, if your a registered charity then please only use the charity form.
Applications that have been submitted before Monday 4th March will be put in front of the regatta committee for agreement on the 4th March, any applications after this date will be in for consideration one month after this date.
You MUST fill in both of the forms listed below, or your application will be rejected.
Market street stalls are limited to 25 stalls only.
Food & Drink area is only limited to 5 stalls
market street
Pitch Size – 3 x 3m
COSTS –@ £65.50
Power- Please ask for cost
Opening Times: 10.30am until 9.30pm
Set up – from 8.00am
You MUST fill in both of the forms listed below, or your application will be rejected.

food & drink village

Calling all food vendors, we are looking to fill 5 pitches at this years regatta. If your a supplier of a BBQ, Pizza truck, Fish & Chips, Street style food apply on the link below
Pitch Size – 6 x 3m
COSTS –@ £250.00,
Power- Please ask for cost
Opening Times: 10.30am until 10.00pm
Set up – from 8.00am
Limited to 5 stalls only
You MUST fill in both of the forms listed below, or your application will be rejected.
charity trading

Charity stands are welcome to trade on market street or the food & drink village subject to the following:
Pitch Size – 3 x 3m
COSTS –@ £40.00,
Power- Please ask for cost
Opening Times: 10.30am until 9.00pm
Set up – from 8.00am
You MUST fill in both of the forms listed below, or your application will be rejected.
- You must be a registered charity (please supply your charity number)
- Hold All insurance
- No fundraising / collection pots on your stall
entertainment area
As part of our commitment to our local community we are going to establish a few sets on the stage for new or local talent to perform during our event.
Times are yet to be advised but if you would like to take part then please use the form on the button below
Last act will finish at 10.00pm

street trading info

Anyone intending to:
- sell
- expose
- or offer for sale any article (including a living thing).
In any public place on the Isle of Wight, you must obtain a street trading consent issued by us. This includes advertising the goods for sale.
It applies to all:
current streets/roads
council car parks
recreation grounds
open spaces along with all public parks
amenity areas
sports areas
play areas
parking bays adopted by us.
Street trading relates to:
mobile traders
static traders.
A street trading consent is not required for:
selling only newspapers and periodicals
selling goods for charitable purposes (but a street collection permit will be required)
a pedlar.