Red Funnel docks at Shanklin Regatta to offer support

Red Funnel the ‘Original Isle of Wight ferry operator’ has stepped forward to offer their support for this year’s Shanklin Regatta. The ferry operator who carries 3.4M passengers and 860,000 vehicles across the Solent each year has offered ferry travel for the stage truck that has been booked to host all of the acts on this year. […]
WightAID comes on board to support Shanklin Regatta

Isle of Wight based WightAID who’s primary purpose is to provide funding to charities, groups and organisations that aim to improve the lives of people living on the Isle of Wight have come on board to support Shanklin Regatta to with a grant of £500. Shanklin Regatta is hosted this year on what is known […]
Regatta to relocate to new location

Shanklin Regatta is celebrating some exciting news as it relocates to a new location for its 2024. In past years the regatta has always been held on Shanklin Esplanade on what was the old entrance to Shanklin Pier and the surrounding beaches, however now the committee have planned to move the event, 500 yards down […]
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