10th Aug
10am - 10pm
Shanklin Esplanade
Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6BG

Welcome to Shanklin Regatta
Celebrating 170 Years

Celebrating 170 Years!!!! 2023 will see Shanklin Regatta celebrating a 170 years of operations (apart from the 2 years we missed due to COVID) The date for 2023 is Thursday 10th August, and planning has already started.
Envisage over the years the support given by over the years the support given by committee members and local business. In particular, the current dedicated committee members, who give up their time for free, to bring such a great event to Shanklin shores, we plan to build on that for the big 170 years.
Over all this time the event has been and is supported by locals, as it is a free day of great entertainment and fun, and of course, not forgetting our visitors to the Island, staying here in Shanklin and beyond.

what's happening
latest news

2023 date released
Our date for 2023 is Thursday 10th August, this ill be our 170th year, planning has already stated

events confirmed
We have some 30 events taking place during the day and into the evening for you to join in on.

best photo of the regatta
Have you got what it takes to snap and click in black & white or colour? We are looking for the “best photo” of this years events.
thank you to
our partners

find us
We are here

Shanklin Regatta
Shanklin Regatta, can only operate with kind donations and small grants. We relay on people donating any spare change they can to help keep this event going
Event Entertainments