This statement applies to all directors, members and volunteers who contribute to the organising and running of Shanklin Regatta. Shanklin Regatta is a community interest company (CIC) , charitable organisation committed to equality of opportunity and will not tolerate harassment, intimidation or bullying of any member of its community by any other member or by any working partnership.
- All Directors, Members and volunteer helpers are entitled to:
- An environment free from bullying, intimidation, harassment or victimisation
- be treated with dignity, respect and courtesy
- experience no form of unacceptable discrimination
- be valued for their skills and abilities
- All members are responsible for ensuring that they behave in an appropriate manner, showing respect for others working alongside or engaged with Shanklin Regatta CIC
- Inappropriate behaviour includes but is not exhaustive of verbal, written and include images, it can be intentional or unintentional. Comments or actions made outside meetings or events, such as on related social events or via social media, that impact on our objectives can be subject to Shanklin Regatta CIC disciplinary procedures.
- Directors have particular responsibility for setting standards and ensuring appropriate workplace behaviours are maintained. They should set a good example and ensure concerns raised are acted upon.
- All members are responsible for appropriately questioning inappropriate behaviours of others and raising concerns with that person, so these can be dealt with. If after speaking to the person the behaviour continues this should be raised with their supervisor or confidentially with one of the Directors.
- Support and advice should be available for members experiencing or witnessing bullying, harassment or discrimination.
Definition of Terms
Unacceptable behaviour:-
is any behaviour that is unwanted, unwelcome and undermines an individual’s dignity. This includes behaviour that creates an intimidating working environment. Behaviour may be perceived as unacceptable, even if there was no intent to cause offence. Behaviour may also have overtones that a member of staff finds offensive, even if it was not directed at them.
Discriminatory behaviour:-
can occur on the basis of perceived group membership, affiliation or association. The Equality Act 2010 legally prevents those who share ‘protected characteristics’ from discrimination on the basis of their shared characteristic. These are; Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race (including ethnic origin, nationality and colour), Religion or Belief, Sex, and Sexual Orientation. Transgender staff includes staff who have undergone, are undergoing or intend to undergo gender reassignment.
Unacceptable behaviour can take many forms and can range from physical attack to more subtle conduct such as remarks or jokes. It can also include behaviour which deliberately or inadvertently excludes individuals from normal activities in the workplace, such as invitation to and participation at meetings. Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to, bullying, harassment and victimisation.
may be characterised as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means that undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.
is unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual.
Online behaviour:-
is considered equivalent to face-to-face behaviour. Directors, members or volunteers must not engage in any conduct online that would not be acceptable in the workplace or that is unlawful. For example, making derogatory remarks, bullying, intimidating or harassing other users, using insults or posting content that is hateful, slanderous, threatening, discriminatory or pornographic. This includes conduct that impacts on work using social media (e.g. X (formally Twitter), Facebook or personal blogs, etc.), which may have been written out of working hours or using personal equipment. Confidentiality is very important in dealing with cases of alleged unacceptable behaviour and information should only be divulged to relevant people on a ‘need to know’ basis. Anyone approaching a trustee for advice may however wish to be accompanied by a work colleague.
Please note:- to use CAPS when using acronyms is generally not considered poor netiquette, (e.g. ASAP) however writing whole words or sentences in ALL CAPS is usually read as “shouting” and thus easily considered offensive.
Reporting incidents:-
A term for disclosing wrong doing or malpractice in the organisation. The disclosure must be in the interests of the organisation. Examples are criminal offences, danger to health and safety, damage to the organisation or disclosure of confidential information.
Generally tends to cover misdemeanours which would not warrant dismissal for a first offence, but could lead to a verbal or written warning however continued misconduct could result in dismissal.
Gross Misconduct:-
is more serious and can take many forms ranging from offences that jeopardise the functioning of the committee and the event itself, or the safety and well-being of the staff.
Typical examples would be:-
- Theft or fraud
- Negligence
- Harassment or discrimination towards other members, customers or trustees.
- Inappropriate use of e-mail, telephone or internet
- Leaking confidential information
- Insubordination
- Criminal damage to the Hornsea Carnival Committee property
These are examples only and the list is non exhaustive. Apart from being removed from Shanklin Regatta CIC some of these examples would also result in the police being involved and charges made.
When dealing with disciplinary matters, we have put steps in place to make sure that everyone is treated fairly when dealing with misdemeanours. The person involved will be given a verbal warning, and will be asked to sign a new Dignity policy to say they understand what they did wrong. If the person continues the misconduct, issues or misdemeanours they will be given a written warning, pointing out that if they do this again they will be asked to leave the organisation.
If however it is proven a more serious offence of gross misconduct they will be asked to leave immediately.